Sunday, March 18, 2018


Many things come to mind when you think of that word.

Aretha Franklin's...R.E.S.P.E.C.T

The act of showing thoughtfulness to another person due to (age, position, something they're doing or did, etc.).

And I even found this a part of the definition in the Urban Dic...

You must always behave in a respectful manner as this reflects on you, your character, integrity and values of who you are as a person.

The bitch to all of the above is that it seems those definitions are dying off quicker than the Mammoths froze. 

Now it's all about what a person can get from another...not give to another.


Each and Every day I wonder just how in this age where everything is taking less and less time to happen...just how long it's going to be until Humanity is a passing thought.

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