Wednesday, July 1, 2020

I've been thinking about "things and people" lately, and truthfully finding myself depressed more and more about them. But yesterday was my Little Dragons birthday and his day has and will forever be  

The Day of New...

so things are changing.

People have Abused, People have Abandoned, People have taken Advantage, People have done a lot of shit. Some I have or will Forgive, others will exist no longer in my World. So when I came upon these today, they brought validation to what's been weighing on me.

This one has and will forever be a truth.

This one honestly surprised the hell out of my ass. When I needed help, when people should have been there to support...sadly they weren't.

This one I, We (Steph and I) try to keep up front in our Minds and Hearts every day. Some nights during Gratitude Time finding something to be Grateful for is hard...but we Never go without being Grateful for something. 

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